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Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary


Bioregional Protected Area for

Whales, Orcas, Dolphins & Porpoises


Salish Sea Cetaceans


At least 5 species of baleen whales and 17 species of toothed whales and dolphins call the Salish Sea home for all or part of the year

A New Evolution

Since time immemorial, the First Peoples of the Salish Sea Bioregion have recognized, understood and respected the Salish Sea (Sche’ne) as a Sanctuary for Whales and All Life, with a profound understanding of Kulthlala’mechen (Orca People) as Ancestral Beings of the highest order.

Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary takes the Best Management Practices from existing models, and makes several key improvements:

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  1. Bioregional Designation - Whales throughout the Salish Sea, their prey, and even the water itself traverse the colonial border between Canada and the US. Issues within one part of the sea effect the entire sea and everything within, which is why the entire Salish Sea must be cared for equally. 

  2. Proclamation by the People - Sanctuaries enacted by governments or governmental agencies can be weakened by bad-acting politicians or industry lobbying. Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary's strength comes from the people that live here and are involved in the issues facing this region.

  3. Active Restoration - Other whale sanctuaries focus on the protection of existing whales, and in some cases, their habitat. Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary looks comprehensively at all the negative or limiting factors and works to restore population levels and quality of life for whales in the Salish Sea.

Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary
Concept to Reality


Create the inspirational foundation for Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary


Collect Input from the greater Salish Sea community


Build a grassroots movement of enthusiastic support


Consult with Indigenous Peoples

Grammer Editing


Continually refine based on feedback


Assemble a diverse and well qualified team to draft management plan and advise


Gain the free, prior and informed consent of First Nations around

the Salish Sea


Gather 1 million signatures on the Proclamation through a mass grassroots campaign 



Pass citizen voter ballot initiatives in British Columbia and Washington State


Complete implementation of Salish Sea Whale Sanctuary in culture, spirit, and law

Through collective effort we guide the
Whale Sanctuary down the timeline

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